
Swimming pool based on geosynthetics

Own swimming pool, even if it is small, is the dream of every owner of a country plot, a cottage, and even just a dacha. But not all homeowners take up the construction of a reservoir, considering it a rather troublesome and expensive matter.

Of course, nothing just works out, and the cost of construction, indeed, can be too expensive – it all depends on the type of pool chosen. For a country house, stationary and collapsible are suitable.

Collapsible structures are pools that are sold ready-made. They are simple enough to install on the site and fill with water. Installation and dismantling of such structures takes no more than 1.5-2 hours. It is very convenient in the country, when everything needs to be removed for the winter.

Their disadvantage can be considered limited in the choice of shapes and sizes – you have to be content with what the manufacturers offer. Stationary pools are a more expensive, labor-intensive pleasure, but they allow you to get a reservoir of the required size and shape, including the most bizarre.

Construction options

There are several options for the construction of stationary structures. Most often, the bowl is made of concrete. But it’s pretty troublesome. You can buy a ready-made thicket, but this is an expensive business.

As a rule, the cost of such bowls can reach several thousand US dollars. It would seem that the pool is unaffordable. But there is always a way out. In this case, these are geosynthetic materials. We advise you to pay attention to geofabric price per m2 from the company “RESANO”.

After you have decided on the choice of a place for the tank, its shape and size, you can begin construction. First, a pit is dug. Its walls and bottom are carefully cleaned and leveled, roots are removed.

If the soil contains a lot of stones, then it would be better to pour a layer of sand 5-7 cm thick and be sure to lay a geotextile that will prevent damage to the waterproofing. As a waterproofing layer, it is recommended to use a geomembrane, the warranty period of which is about 20 years. This material is laid directly on the geotextile.

Construction process

After all the materials are laid, and their protruding ends are fixed on one side and left as they are on the other, the pit can be gradually filled with water. The geomembrane will gradually take the form of a pit, and its folds formed during the laying process will become invisible under water pressure.

Do not cut the waterproofing until the tank is completely filled with water. Since only one edge of the materials is fixed, under the influence of the gravity of the water, the geomembrane can slide down – it’s okay.

If you carefully and carefully laid the waterproofing, nothing will slip. You need to fill slowly, straightening the folds. If something suddenly went wrong, then immediately pump out the water. Do not move the membrane with water, it does not move just like a geogrid!

Further along the perimeter of the pit, a shallow groove drips, approximately the width and depth of a shovel. The edges of the geotextile fabrics and geomembrane remaining on the ground are laid in the ditch.

Further framing of the structure depends on the desires and possibilities. Can be overlaid with tiles or stone. Sometimes the edges are concreted, but this is in extreme cases. You can use gabions.

That’s it – the pool is ready. Pool chlorine tablets should be used to disinfect the water.

It turns out that building a simple pool on your site is not so difficult and expensive. Naturally, you will have to make an effort, but with the right approach, the result will exceed all expectations. And if you have a couple of assistants and everything is organized in advance, then, in principle, you can build a pool over the weekend.

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