
Slate as a roofing material

Slate is a roofing material that we used to consider classic. Indeed, many factors make slate very popular in the construction market: low price, easy installation, low waste.

What types of slate does the market offer today and what features does this material have? Fiber cement or asbestos-free slate is the most environmentally friendly option. In its manufacture, the reinforcing material is not asbestos, but natural fibers.

The modern version is bituminous sheets, or euroslate (“Ondulin”, “Guta”, “Nulin”), the service life of which reaches 50 years. This material is based on cardboard-cellulose fibers, as well as glass or canvases made of polymer compounds. This slate is distinguished by a low price and a very rich selection of color schemes. The fact is that euroslate can be painted in any shade, so with it the roof can be at least bright green, at least pale pink.

Another important advantage of such a slate is the ease of installation. This roofing material in Grodno can be bent without fear, it does not crumble when cut, does not rust or rot. It can also be used in the most difficult climatic conditions, of course, with an eye to correctly carried out installation work.

Metal slate is a variation of slate in Grodno, which is based on galvanized iron. Such slate is coated on top with a special protective polymer coating, and it can also have different types of “waves”.

You can also think of keramoplast, which is made from high-pressure polymers, pigments and mineral additives. This is a fairly promising material: environmentally friendly, durable, lightweight.

Very beautiful transparent slate made of fiberglass. It is light, beautiful and quite flexible. From it you can make beautiful arches or domes.

Of all the types of slate that can be found on the market today, the asbestos-cement version is the most fragile: it is not very resistant to temperature fluctuations and wind loads, it quickly collapses. That is why, and also because of the non-environmental nature of the material, many manufacturers today have abandoned this option.

Metal slate is also not the most resistant, as it is prone to corrosion. But fiberglass and ceramoplast are materials that are resistant to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, temperature fluctuations and other external factors, and are also not subject to decay. They will last half a century or even longer, which is why many people prefer to use them.

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